搜索 Amado

  • 欧美剧剧情
  • 宫殿天才
  • Violeta (Alessandra Negrini) is a 40 year old attractive dentist. Her husband Djalma (Otto Jr.) has been giving thought to his life and marriage while going for a swim and has come to the conclusion that he's going to leave his wife, kids and the city. Violeta finds out about this in a phone message just hours after ma…
  • AmadoBatistaemSolVermelho
  • 罗恰拍摄好友巴西著名作家阿马多的纪录短片。This film was commissioned by Glauber Rocha to be shown on television as a special programme on the great Brazilian writer Jorge Amado. It mainly consists in an extremely affectionate conversation about all s…
  • 纪录片关于越南女性被迫卖淫的真相,许多女孩被人贩子卖到欧洲各地从事色情交易。Collecting butterflies in the Mekong Delta has two utterly different meanings. Cambodia is "rich" in both rare butterflies and young girls, who are "hunted" by whi…
  • Amador se ayuda a sobrellevar la monotonía de su vida provinciana sonando con un viaje a Torremolinos, donde podrá seducir a bellas veraneantes. Los principales obstáculos que impiden materializar su sueno son la falta de medios económicos…
  • The moving and at times heartbreaking humorous story of a father and daughters' journey to get to know each other, whilst simultaneously forgetting what bonded them in the first place.
  • 曾以《9'8m/s²》入围1998年戛纳电影节短片竞赛单元的阿方索·阿马多尔执导的这部纪录片,追踪了西班牙巴伦西亚一个区域的农民秋冬春夏又一秋的整年劳作与生活,聚焦一家祖孙三代种植制作加泰罗尼亚特色饮品欧洽塔的主要配料油莎豆的过程。观众随影片倾听农民心声,知晓全球化如何将他们从诗意的田园生活逼入仅能维持生存的境地。本片入围202…
  • The Zapruder filmmakersgroup tells the never-before-told story of Hercules in twelve vignettes. At petrol stations and roundabouts, in sports halls, sculpture storerooms and at music festivals, we encounter the Greek hero as a distant translation: performances by bodies and machines re-enact scenes from sword-and-sanda…