搜索 AngelaWinkler
共找到“2”个结果ynopsis from Time Out Film Guide: Between the seemingly idyllic opening and closing scenes depicting a rural community, first at church, then at the village festival, Fleischmann attacks that community's prejudices and ignorance without remorse. His very precisely observed portrait of Bavarian life begins with little m…
1977年,一个商人被绑架后又被谋杀,杀他的是左翼的称为RAF的恐怖分子Armee Fraktion(红色帮派),他们绑架商人是为了试图以交换他们被抓的领导人。当诱拐的努力和一次劫持飞机相继努力失败后,RAF的3位非常杰出的领导人,安德烈亚斯巴德,古德兰·恩斯林和吉恩·卡尔泪谱,全部在监狱自杀。这3人实际上是被政府授命谋杀的。