搜索 Angeliki

  • 喜剧片生活
    年迈的摇滚明星约翰·奥尔曼(小哈里·康尼克 饰)的专辑销量不佳,热门歌曲人气也逐渐下降。于是他决定暂停事业,重拾活力,并搬到了地中海田园诗般的塞浦路斯岛上一座孤立在悬崖边的房屋中。然而,他追求低调生活的愿望却被频繁的访客打乱。后来,当一段旧情重新燃起时,他又面临着更加复杂的意外。
  • A group of people choose to go into self-imposed exile on an island in order to protect themselves from The Infected. Thirty-seven years later, we witness the consequences of their decision.
  • After the death of her father, Maria travels to Berlin to visit her elder sister Helena, a dancer, who she hasn't seen for years. However, when she arrives in Berlin she finds out that Helena has quit dancing and now works as a croupier in an illegal gambling club. As the two sisters' relationship gradually becomes clo…
  • 本片由真实事件改编而来,少年爱德华成长于充满压抑和暴力的家庭环境,带着对美好生活的追求和成为摇滚巨星的梦想离开了阿尔巴尼亚。鲁莽的性格和年少的冲动使他在雅典犯下了一宗谋杀案,他也因此陷入了每个人,甚至自己内心的“追捕”之中。而后,他又因为一桩旧时的抢劫案在阿尔巴尼亚锒铛入狱。在监狱里一位德国医生的帮助下,爱德华学会了同…
  • A post-modern theater adaptation of a classic Greek tragedy takes place in a central theater of Athens. Like every night, the audience take their seats and the play begins. Suddenly, the lights on stage go out. A group of young people, dressed in black and carrying guns, come up on stage. They apologize for the interru…
  • 确幸人生在经济危机的催逼下一夕倾覆,山盟海誓的爱情不再,和谐欢乐的家庭离散,原本充满希望的未来与政府的财政同步失速瓦解,崩溃失控的玛莉亚还能何去何从?相较于当代希腊电影的冷酷疏离,导演将尖锐的社会凝视架构于冲突强烈的故事之上,角色的狂乱迸散的感染力,搭配对比大胆的剪辑,寓言似地描绘出欧债危机中希腊家国与庶民的命运图景。
  • On a typical residential street in an average Athens neighborhood, one neglected car alarm is about to send the residents of a nearby apartment building into a restless frenzy. It's summertime in Athens, and as an unidentified driver parks their car, activates the alarm, and walks away, the quiet tranquility of a peace…
  • 警方素描畫家蜜雪兒還沒從兒童死亡的案子復原,便於湯瑪斯陷入情網。當兩人戀情持續發展,她開始懷疑對方可能是連續殺人犯。德國電影獎影帝彼得洛梅爾主演。
  • Stefan, a German photographer, comes to the Greek island of Donusa where he meets a beautiful girl, Eleni. Eleni seems to hiding a secret about her life. When Eleni commits suicide, initially everyone believes that Stefan is responsible for this action.