搜索 Ankush

  • 苦逼青年浩利巴多怀揣音乐梦想,幻想着自己的专辑能够大卖让自己身价倍涨,从而能够遇见自己的梦中情人思薇蒂。思薇蒂是耀眼夺目的电影明星,丽质天成。一位是苦逼穷屌丝,一位是人间富贵花。一次不经意的邂逅,一次啼笑皆非的误会,让他们的命运有了交集,一段浪漫爱情由此开始。
  • Professor Vidyashankar Pandey gets employed as a lecturer in a college and relocates to Bombay. His family, - his wife, and a young son, Surya, move to a chawl in South Bombay. Vidyashankar notices that the area and the community is being controlled by notorious gangster, Raja, and his men, and does not want this to im…
  • Mumbai Mirror is a cop-drama film, which with its unique screenplay that also manages to fall in the genres of suspense and action. The protagonist of the film is Abhijeet Patil, a police officer; and the film revolves around the rise and falls of his life.
  • 讲述了一段发生在孟买工人们身上的“被遗忘”的历史——当这些小工厂被改建为大型购物中心和五星级酒店时,这些工人们的生活被“摧毁”
  • Set in the underbelly of Mumbai; in the notorious by-lanes where 'Greed is a Culture' and 'Deceit becomes a Compulsion' 'Bhindi Baazaar Incorporation' revolves around gangs of pickpockets who consider pick pocketing as an art. They use their intelligence as a canvas and their spontaneity as a brush to survive in this d…
  • 拉贾(Saif Ali Khan)是一个有名爱劫财的犯罪分子。阿玛尔(Akshay Kumar)是一名勇敢而正直的警察。他一直追踪犯罪分子拉贾,想他抓获。但偶尔阿玛尔失去了记忆,来到自己也不知道的一个村庄,正是拉贾也来这里骗了阿玛尔冒充警务人员,一起对抗当地的恶霸Thakur Gajendar。
  • 古鲁,希瓦普尔村出来的,在孟买做偏门活(偷蒙拐骗),在一起事件中目睹了一起谋杀案,对方动用关系,害他被迫逃回村子.在逃回村子时,他邂逅了芒果女郎奥微,对她是一见钟情.回到村子后,才知道在那起谋杀案中被杀的是他村子里唯一的律师,为了村子的利益被杀了.而他大哥继续律师的事业,继续为村子的利益与恶人做斗争.无奈,势单力薄,被恶人打破了头.这下…