- Ethan is a young, shy and rather reserved designer who has suffered from insomnia for many years due to his terrible nightmares. Believing he has a personality disorder he decides to see a therapist to solve his problem, but it will be thanks to the help of his best friend and a medium that he will face a long journey,…
- 艾曼纽靠为报社提供新闻照片谋生,在医院里见到食人族女孩后,她决定深入亚马逊丛林。她找到了莱斯特教授,并一起来到亚马逊,借宿莱斯特好友威尔克斯家。次日,艾曼纽和莱斯特带着威尔克斯的女儿伊莎贝拉等人出发。进入丛林后,他们邂逅了“猎人”唐纳德和玛姬夫妇,遂开始一起行动。但很快,他们就遭到了食人族的袭击……这部意大利在1970年代…