- 根据巴西当代小说家Rubem Fonseca的5个短篇改编的电影,由墨西哥新浪潮导演Paul Leduc执导,找来老头Peter Fonda合作,5个故事发生在不同国家的不同城市里,但主题却发人深省。4/5巴西作家鲁本·丰塞卡(Rubem Fonseca)12月1日接受了2003年度墨西哥的胡安·鲁尔福文学奖(Juan Rulfo Prize),奖金10万美元,为他颁奖的是哥伦比…
- Buenos Aires at the outskirts of XIX century. A society rigid in patriarchal rules. A war between brothers of Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay. Two young and very much in love youngsters, fight for their right to be together. Obeyance and fear sets them apart along more than ten years. When they are finally reun…