搜索 Antonella

  • Cadmo, the King of Crete (Pedro Armandarez) has learned the power of immortality from his mistress. He kills his wife and takes his mistress as a wife. For this, the Oracle tells him he will `die\' at the hand of infant young daughter\'s future love. Should King Cadmo kill his daughter, he will perish at the same momen…
  • Two penniless brothers with no prospects, who hope to give their thirteen-year-old sister a better future, invent an unusual job for themselves: armed with masks and mini cameras, they publically demolish the identity of the various “neighborhood sly guys” who infest Italy, transforming themselves into two improbable “…
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    大宝(梁家仁 饰)和弟弟二宝(元彪 饰)孤苦无依,相依为命,彼此之间感情十分深厚。两人整日里游手好闲,不务正业,流连于赌场之中想要获取不义之财,却每每将少得可怜的家底输得一干二净。\r\n  屡屡受人欺负,大宝和二宝产生了想要习武的念头,他们拜了在饭馆里偶然遇见的高手(刘家荣 饰)为师,开始了充满艰辛与汗水的习武之路。一次偶…