搜索 Apollon

  • 影片由意大利畅销作家费德瑞克•莫洽执导,执导过不少电影的莫洽,这次首度将自己的小说搬上银幕。   电影原著小说在义大利卖出110万册,电影上映10天就以1500万美金成绩刷新意大利近年票房纪录。   37岁的亚力事业有成,长相英俊,最近却刚被女友给甩了。失意的亚力开车上班途中,竟不小心撞到了正要赶去上学的妮奇,还将她的机车给撞烂了…
  • <p>  故事紧接着《熟男我爱你》继续发展,艾利克斯(雷欧·波瓦 Raoul Bova 饰)和尼基(米琪拉·奎阿托希欧奇 Michela Quattrociocche 饰)这对年龄相差20岁的“老少配”眼看着已经交往了三年之久了,尽管此时的尼基还只是一个刚刚年满二十岁的“小女孩”,但对尼基爱之深情之切的艾利克斯还是决定要娶她为妻。<br/>…
  • 白天是阿波罗,晚上是雅典娜
    Asocial computer programmer Defne is being pestered by dead people desperate for human interaction. Once she realizes that there’s no escape from these ghosts, she decides to take advantage of this gift/curse and search for her long-dead m…
  • The story of a famous fashion model who, unable to cope with the fantasies and pressures her beautyinduces in others, disappears. The film is a profile of her emotional life and contrasts the fantasies shecreates in other people's minds with the strains of her real emotional life as revealed in her diaries.
  • 战地新闻史(Veillées d'armes)马歇尔·欧佛斯Marcel Ophüls又一历史大手笔,224分钟。
  • A truly bizarre film, but all the more entertaining because of it. Starts off in the style of a 1930s science fiction, and just seems to get stranger and stranger. I particularly liked the guided tour of the lunar surface for the paying tourists who laughed when their guide made a comment on the crashed Soviet probe sh…
  • 有一天牧羊人发现一个被遗弃的男婴正在吮吸一只山羊,并将它取下,并将其命名为达菲尼斯。大约在同一时间,另一个牧羊人,发现了一个遗弃的女婴,并收养了它,给她取名赫莱。达菲尼斯和赫莱一起成长,穿过青春期的门槛感受着初恋的嗡嗡声。他们不知道发生在他们身上的事,直到一个渴望达菲尼斯的美丽女人,将他提升到爱的秘密。达菲尼斯反过来也…
  • Primarily a biographical documentary about the military career of Alexander Vasilvich Suvorov, who was Field Marshal of the armies of Catherine the Great and Czar Paul I. After many military successes during the reign of Catherine, General Suvorov broke with her successor, Paul I, the Mad Emperor, over questions regard…