搜索 AranyaNamwong

  • 恐怖片生活
    本片是根据2000年发生在泰国的真实故事所改编, 至今已成为泰国街头巷议的传奇之一…… 一个在酒吧上班的妙龄女子Por ,某天晚上,遭遇仇家追打跌进了河里,醒来惊觉自己躺在医院中,并得知已怀有身孕的讯息,自此之后,婴孩的啜泣声、充满怨气的女子、诡异怪邪的画面,便不断地在她似梦似真的生活中出现,恐惧与害怕的情绪让她几近崩溃…… 当…
  • 泰国剧剧情
    Mintada grew up in Kasay, a war torn country. The leader of Kasay sends Mintada and his friend Siplai to Thailand to further their education and bring back valuable knowledge to help Kasay. In Thailand, Mintada meets and falls in love with Punpasa, the daughter of a well off family. However, Punpasa's family and Si…