搜索 Ardanaz

  • 本片的故事可以称为美女版的《猛龙怪客》,用近乎漫画化的方式来表现一个模特儿街头打击罪恶的故事。范姆克.詹森饰演名模赖克丝,她的室友洁儿被人打伤住院,警察竟对此案敷衍打发。赖克丝身为跆拳道高手,决定自行执法以暴易暴,戴着她做服装秀时常常戴上的面具,于夜间上街严惩欺负妇女的歹徒,因而赢得X小姐的美名。导演克莉丝汀.杜奎处理…
  • Levante, 1992, end of summer in a town on the coast. Sandra, Eva and Malena, 15 years old girls, disappear into a disco without a trace. The police do not seem to be looking in the right direction, so Javi, Sandra's little brother, begins an investigation with Quino and Álvaro, his best friends, and Zeta, the class bul…