- HELEN, 30 years-old, decides she is going to change the rest of her life. Her biggest mistake, she asks God for some precious help.
- Three sailors land in the Santos port after four months at sea and head to São Paulo. (1) "A Carta de Érico" ("The Letter from Érico") The first sailor brings a letter from a man named Érico that he had stumbled upon i…
- 一个处于完全道德堕落状态的上流社会家庭,父亲事一个酒鬼,一个完全脱离现实的人,幻想着有一个模范幸福家庭生活;她的母亲玛莎,甚至比她的父亲更不平衡,也生活在饮酒浇愁和愧疚中;女儿玛丽娜为她的父母报仇……