搜索 Arretxe

  • 1815年,拿破仑准备在比利时与联盟军一决雌雄,战争一触即发。如果不是一个精神不健全的人的介入,事情或许不会是这样的结果。四等兵阿玛尼因为枪走火,偏巧击中了向拿破仑开枪行刺的刺客朱力。惊魂未定,就由一名普通士兵提升为陆军元帅,接替了朱力的位置。拿破仑从此不再是无神论者,正是因为这个士兵与自己命运的联系。尽管他明显的与众不同…
  • EstonoesHollywood
    When her father and uncles die, Jone (Josemi's daughter) decides to make a documentary about the Ibarretxe Brothers. Pioneers in the Basque audiovisual sector, creative, cheeky and always up to something, they were devoted to cinema made in Euskadi long before it was a reality. Analysing their films and talking to peop…
  • Esto no es Hollywood
    When her father and uncles die, Jone (Josemi's daughter) decides to make a documentary about the Ibarretxe Brothers. Pioneers in the Basque audiovisual sector, creative, cheeky and always up to something, they were devoted to cinema made in Euskadi long before it was a reality. Analysing their films and talking to peop…