搜索 Arsovski

  • Maki, Kata and Jiji are loyal friends who believe in their youthful ideals. However, when Maki and Kata announce their engagement, Jiji becomes jealous. In the period of communist liquidations, there is an unsolved murder of five students, one of them being Maki. A half century later, Alavantie, as a witness and a rese…
  • 1944年,第二次世界大战接近尾声,德军从希腊经南斯拉夫撤退回本国。故事发生在马其顿南部地区,米柯·安格洛夫擅离战场探望母亲,被宣布以逃兵罪判处死刑。法庭将他交给部队指挥官处理,指挥官判他徒手上战场与德军作战,但是必须夺回一挺机关枪。米柯与突击小组出击,小组成员不幸丧生,只有米柯一人带着一挺机关枪回来,指挥官不相信,指控他…