- 妻子過世後,文學教授因悲傷而鬱鬱寡歡。他試圖維持日常生活,卻徒勞地困在死亡的陰影裡。不論晝夜,妻子的形影始終縈繞不去;破碎難分的意識,如同夢遊者或鬼魂般,穿梭於拼貼跳躍的敘事中,在理智邊緣徘徊。眼前看似穩固的事物逐漸淡去,記憶與現實之間的界線越來越模糊……。
- The Art of the Piano is a feature-length, 106-minute documentary that presents in refreshingly straightforward fashion a portrait of 20th-century piano playing. The format is simple: short segments on virtually all of the great pianists who have ever been captured on film, augmented by extracts from interviews, sometim…
- Lawa is a screen adaptation of Dziady (Forefathers' Eve), a nineteenth-century verse drama by Adam Mickiewicz. The work depicts Poland under the Russian rule during the nineteenth century, interweaving political and personal drama with a semi-pagan rite during which needy souls communicate with the living on the night …