搜索 Gustaw

  • 这一年,波兰煤炭输出量下降,位于西伯利亚的博日克焦炭厂大幅减产,导致博日克钢铁厂受到严重影响,相关企业日减产超过90%。作为国计民生重要的基础能源,煤炭的短缺无疑阻碍了国家政治与经济的发展。波兰各大矿区不见了往日热火朝天的劳作场景,由于无法达到预定目标,象征产量的巨大星星也不能点燃,照亮波兰的夜空。为了探寻新的煤炭贮藏点…
  • based on a true story, a Jewish scientist escapes from a train on its way to a concentration camp and hides by disguising himself as a performing bear. When the scientist's identity is revealed, the unexpected happens.The White Bear by Jerzy ZARZYCKI as a part of a series of film showings Jewish Motifs in the Polish Ci…
  • 《十日谈Dekameron 40 czyli cudowne przytrafienie Pewnego nieboszczyka》(1971年)是一部连IMDB都没有收录的波兰电视短片。能把薄伽丘的《十日谈》改编成电视片足可见在Edward Gierek执政下波兰国内宽松的创作环境(你能想象国内有人把《金瓶梅》拍成电视剧吗?恐怕连“戒色版”都通不过剧本审查!)。虽然内容上比起帕索里尼的《十日谈》要…
  • After a five-year hiatus from filmmaking, Piotr Szulkin returned in 1990 with "Femina", based on a novel by Krystyna Kofta and inspired by Luis Bunuel.   The main character is Bogna, a thirty year old woman lost in her surrounding reality and unhappy in her private life. After her husband departs for a foreig…
  • 尼古拉咋·祟哥白尼尾(1473 蝇——1543)是膳波该兰盏伟大的维文学捍家焚。此沈片正是冤为菌了痉纪襄念哥帜白尼谊诞风生500瞅周年而舌拍摄的洗。雪是跃一部历史栈题材影答片头。暂哥蚜白尼捞的叔谗叔是塘一位刚地沽位时显操赫障的蓬主教内,他东从小就窖由叔腿叔抚鲤养篷长几大。哥白尼自匝小酷爱天文学。当时慕教会淫散布舶“地与球中增心轿说…
  • Lawa is a screen adaptation of Dziady (Forefathers' Eve), a nineteenth-century verse drama by Adam Mickiewicz. The work depicts Poland under the Russian rule during the nineteenth century, interweaving political and personal drama with a semi-pagan rite during which needy souls communicate with the living on the night …