搜索 Asaad

  • An early Turkish Batman movie based on the famous comic characters, with his name spelled the Turkish pronunciation (Bedmen). The unfortunate erotic evocations of the title have nothing to do with the plot.
  • In a country where corruption has reached epidemic levels, an investigative journalist tries to reveal the corruption of a medical mogul whose corruption caused the death of dozens without blame. Essam has a daughter who has kidney failure and has been affected by the filters made by this mogul's factory. On another fr…
  • A slave called Jabbber, wanted to take advantage of the difference between the al-Khalifa, Governor of Baghdad. And Prince, who works with him, this Prince has been unable to send to outside of Baghdad. Jaber volunteer to go to the letter, To the glory of his master, Prince, and to get a girlfriend emerald, it is propo…
  • 《明天再说我爱你》叙述一个在千禧年来临前,发生在德黑兰一对寂寞男女之间的故事。男子为一丧妻的鳏夫,在外役牢房服役,每每谎称妻子生病要求医务室开止痛麻醉药,并夹带外出卖给黑市赚钱。女子在医院上班,与兄长同住,生活规律而孤单。两人时常在在巴士站相遇,并搭乘同一班车默默无语相对坐。终于有一天,他们炙热的内心希望结束这样对望而…
  • 卢比一家/摇滚一家
  • Qarantina is the story of a professional killer in Baghdad. He lives in an abandoned building with a displaced family, watching emotionless as they struggle. The father, Salih Abu Muhanad, takes out his frustration with a newly immoral society by blaming and abusing his unmarried, pregnant teenage daughter Meriam. Her …
  • 艾哈迈德在其爱人的家门口遭年轻的狙击手萨拉姆枪击,倒在海法街上奄奄一息,这条街是2006年巴格达最恐怖而危险的街区。那一天他正准备求婚,而萨拉姆阻止任何人靠近艾哈迈德对其施救。电影将以半封闭空间下令人窒息的剪辑,展现扑朔迷离的剧情走向和抽丝剥茧的人物关系,以及暴力统治下人们的悲惨境遇。
  • Amigas en un camino de campo
    A stone falls from the sky in a mountain village. Two friends set out to find it in the countryside. On the way they talk, remember a deceased friend, laugh, discuss, meet other seekers. On the way, poetry is read, poetry is heard, poetry is felt in the wind. From the beginning of the day until the light goes out. One …