- Darren can't sleep because of the happily married gay couple upstairs. He can hear them having sex through his apartment's air ducts.Like, a lot of sex, every night. He tries to ignore it at first, but soon becomes obsessed with the suspicion that one of them is havingan affair. Thus begins Darren's quest for the truth…
- 直接电影运动的代表人物、纪录片大师弗雷德里克·怀斯曼把镜头对准享誉世界的疯马俱乐部,记录下这些令男人疯狂、让女人羡慕的裸体歌舞秀表演者,以及他们台前幕后的生活。◎幕后制作世界最著名的无上装艳舞俱乐部、巴黎的“疯马”再度登上银幕。由82岁的美国纪录片名导弗雷德里克·韦斯曼执导的《疯马歌舞秀》威尼斯、多伦多和圣巴斯蒂安电影节…