搜索 Azari

  • 《辛普森一家20周年3D特别版》节目,该片由获得奥斯卡提名的电影制作人摩根斯普尔洛克(Morgan Spurlock,《超级汉堡王》、《厄夜三十》)担任制片和导演。这部特别版的纪录片将为“永远的辉煌20年”活动画上一个圆满的句号,这项长达一年的全球性的庆祝活动开始于2009年1月,并将在20周年系列剧首映时达到高潮。在《辛普森一家20周年3D特别…
  • 一位林区农民和他的女儿,用自行车从医院运回被野象袭击致死的妻子尸体。导演比斯瓦吉特·博拉关心社会和环境议题,曾拍出在制片过程中实现零排碳的“碳平衡”电影。在这部新作中他聚焦家乡阿萨姆邦,展示了阿萨姆林区老百姓为洪灾、交通不便、野象侵扰所苦的真实日常。故事情节质朴、苦涩但不悲情,还充满各种黑色幽默。影片荣获2020年加尔各答…
  • Four stories that examine the everyday lives of ordinary Los Angelenos: "ISLAND IN THE RIVER" introduces Happy, a withdrawn teenage girl with a passion for spray paint and Hip Hop. On the concrete banks of the Los Angeles river, her graffiti masterpiece is being created, a vision of Payasa, the weeping clown.…
  • 一对情人屈从于社会禁忌,压抑着他们的感情,但这样做将他们推向可怕的罪行。
  • A young couple try to fix their marriage troubles with the help of a psychiatrist.
  • After getting dropped by her publisher, celebrated novelist Hannah Ryan uses the negative forces in her life to inspire the creation of a pulp crime serial that posts new chapters to subscriber's devices every week. The initial release is a modest success but the work becomes a massive hit after a real life murder take…
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