搜索 Pranami

  • Pratima, then a kid, is being told the tale of Hastir Kanya, a neglected first wife of a priest who acquires as his second wife the spoil daughter of a wealthy priest. The lonesome first wife weeps by the river that turns salty. Elephants, attracted by the salty water hear her tale of woes and anoint her. She is transf…
  • 一位林区农民和他的女儿,用自行车从医院运回被野象袭击致死的妻子尸体。导演比斯瓦吉特·博拉关心社会和环境议题,曾拍出在制片过程中实现零排碳的“碳平衡”电影。在这部新作中他聚焦家乡阿萨姆邦,展示了阿萨姆林区老百姓为洪灾、交通不便、野象侵扰所苦的真实日常。故事情节质朴、苦涩但不悲情,还充满各种黑色幽默。影片荣获2020年加尔各答…