- 辛巴达是一个身无分文的穷小子,但古灵精怪的他每天却过着快乐的生活。阿拉丁虽然是含着金汤匙出生的富家公子,但十分羡慕辛巴达所过的自由自在随心所欲的生活。青梅竹马的两人自幼便结下了坚实的友谊,常常闯下令人啼笑皆非的祸。\\r\\n一次偶然中,辛巴达在海边捡到了一只神秘的漂流瓶,瓶中信里写着,在非常非常遥远的地方,住着一个邪恶而又…
- A beggar called Lyangra (the cripple guy), who lives at the railway station, regularly goes to the house of Kaala, a drug dealer, to buy his weed from him. When kaala’s wife sohagi catches his eye, lyangra starts trying to get closer to kaala and eventually has an affair with sohagi. when kaala finds out he beats sohag…
- It showcases a portrayal of grief and pain through a lens of laughter and hope.
- Explores six diverse yet universal stories of different facets, shades and moods of love, all set in the city's many unique milieus.
- 本剧由帕特·波尼蒂帕特执导,普莉恩皮察雅·克玛拉娜君、金杰特·瓦塔纳辛、帕瑞斯·因塔拉科玛亚苏特主演,故事讲述天才高中生小琳在国际会考上跨国为富家公子作弊来牟取暴利,并与另一名记忆力极佳的天才学生班克,策划了一场跨时区的完美作弊。