- 本剧由帕特·波尼蒂帕特执导,普莉恩皮察雅·克玛拉娜君、金杰特·瓦塔纳辛、帕瑞斯·因塔拉科玛亚苏特主演,故事讲述天才高中生小琳在国际会考上跨国为富家公子作弊来牟取暴利,并与另一名记忆力极佳的天才学生班克,策划了一场跨时区的完美作弊。
- Kim cannot take it anymore. Frustrated by problems at school and trouble with her mother, she walks to her father. She is not well prepared for this long hike, which is why she soon finds herself confronted not only with her thoughts, but with all sorts of small and large obstacles. A film on growing up as a means of e…
- Rachel, a rebellious young mouse who lives with her depressed mother in a burrow, starts dating the most dangerous animals in the city above the ground.
- 讲述门对门两家“世仇”的儿子,一个是玩世不恭的混世魔王,一个是精致完美的学霸小子。他们俩从小到大一直都是冤家,不仅在学校里比拼,在生活中也较着劲,以为会成为一辈子对手的两个人却在争来争去的过程中萌发了少男情愫......
- 野村宗弘のマンガ「うきわ」を原作とした本作の舞台は、社宅のベランダ。夫の仕事の都合で広島から上京してきた主婦・中山麻衣子は、仕事で多忙な夫の遅い帰りを待つ日々が続いていた。そんな中、麻衣子と隣室に住む夫の上司・二葉一は、壁一枚を隔てたベランダで会話を重ねて距離を縮めていく。