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  • 纪录片生活
    2010年2月24日,美国弗洛里达海洋世界发生了一起令人始料未及的惨剧。资深驯鲸员道恩·布兰切(Dawn Brancheau)突然被一只名为提里库姆的雄性虎鲸拖入水池,短短几分钟内这位拥有灿烂笑容与和善感染力的女性便被朝夕相处的虎鲸伙伴杀死。此案震惊全国,但从案件关系人的口中,却发现这一切绝非偶然,一连串令人齿冷的证据揭示了施暴者和遇难者…
  • After a series of brutal bombings on the streets of London, a detective struggles to find the man responsible. As the detective zeros in on the bomber, the bomber sets his sight on the detective. based on true events.
  • It's Miriam's 21st Birthday. As a birthday gift, Miriam's aunt Gail has decided to lend Miriam her beautiful country house for an entire weekend. Aunt Gail's country house is amazing. It's a four bedroom house surrounded by breathtaking mountains and miles and miles of woods. Miriam invites her young college friends Ca…