- The story of the son of a coach-maker with a highly developed sense of the macabre, who ended up rivalling Shakespeare. John Webster's life was shadowy and his plays darkly imagined - it was once said that he 'saw the skull beneath the skin'. But his masterpiece The Duchess Of Malfi is one of the jewels of the English …
- 1975年经典影片《灰色花园》因讲述了一对古怪母女的生活点滴而大卖,曾风靡一时。影片从午夜场直到百老汇音乐剧。影片制作人追溯剧情,创作了第二部《灰色花园的比尔母女》献给那些不屈不挠的女性,以及原纪录片广大的忠实影迷,是他们让此片成为反美国主流文化的冰山一角。