搜索 BelaPadilla

  • 對人生感到迷惘的傑西在雨夜邂逅了藝術家希萊絲特,美麗又勇於做自己的希萊絲特深深吸引了傑西,他們一拍即合、相談甚歡。道別時,傑西忍不住吻了希萊絲特,而希萊絲特只想讓美好的時刻留在當下,兩人就此分道揚鑣。多年後再次相遇,他們發現對彼此的感情從未消退,然而傑西已有了未婚妻…。
  • 喜剧片
    Yana hates Filipino men. For her, the perfect man is Moon Shi Woo, a dashing Korean actor from the Korean dramas that she always watches. Yana's dream comes true when she flies to Korea to join fans from all over the globe to meet Moon Shi Woo at an exclusive fan event. During the event, the fans compete for the attent…
  • 剧情片
    A fast paced story of a former assassin out to stop those he once called family, becomes intertwined with a family who've felt the wrath of this gang before. An intense action thriller mixed with martial arts; this story doesn't stop for breath.