搜索 Beltran

  •   设定在1999年,以伪纪录片形式,聚焦那些看似普通、欢乐的家庭录像带中发现的可怕事件和“鬼影”。
  •   A challenging thriller that tackels gender issues. Four friends spend a hot summer afternoon at an abondoned quarry. They enjoy bathing in the lake and soaking up the sun. However, a dispute ensues and the tension rises as they find them…
  •   别具一格的科幻恐怖片,故事说科学家预测到一棵极罕见的慧星,正要经过地球,是百年罕见的一大天文盛事,于是人类都引领以望,另一方面一对不知天高地厚的少年男女,正陶醉于二人世界之除,却碰上了一班奇怪的年青人,料不到的是,慧星原来具有魔力,刹那间,毁掉了整个人类,使他变成嗜血如狂的人魔,一对男女逐展开亡命挣扎求存的过程,结…
  •   HBO Max预订探险时光衍生剧「Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake」!新剧中,女孩Fionna与魔力猫猫Cake将共同踏上自我探索之旅,首季10集,单集20分钟!这对Finn和Jake的性转形象首次出现于AT第三季。
  •   1995年首映,2001年结束. 描述两艘船被抛到离星联七万光年远处后,船员合作寻找回家之路的经过; 大致馍分为两个时期,前三季就像DS9,比较注重团队感,第四季引进一个Borg角色后,焦点就转到少数人身上. 目前派拉蒙也不打算为Voyager拍电影,它的后续发展会在2003年以小说形式发行.
  • 一只普通的狗狗爱着邻居家的赛级犬,但有一天他发现,自己明早就要被送去阉掉了,那么,这最后一天他会做什么呢?
  • An actress accidentally ends up in a room with a weird group of women claiming to be travelling in a secret high-tech space device to Mars
  • 动作片冒险
    More action adventure than traditional documentary, Lion Ark follows the world's most ambitious and daring animal rescue, with a narrative meticulously compiled from film, interviews, conversations and the reactions of participants as events actually unfold. A shocking undercover investigation leads to a ban on animal …
  • Nights in a row, Adrian finds himself in his apartment, with no lights and strange sounds coming from the inside. He asks his friends for help and one of them decides to make a documentary of what is happening to him.
  • 爱情片历史