搜索 Bertinelli

  • based on the true custody battle in Richmond, Virginia, a grandmother sues her lesbian daughter for custody of her grandson on the grounds her daughter is immoral for living with another woman in a gay relationship.
  • 個性南轅北轍的洛杉磯警探巴札克(羅伯特卡拉定飾,《莉琪的異想世界》、《海上疑雲》)與海佐登(比利迪威廉斯飾,《臥底兄弟》、《戀上大情聖》)被指定搭檔調查一齣謀殺案,結果循線查到自家人頭上,意外發現局裡的貪污與犯罪活動。他們能揪出警局裡頭的臥底,揭發犯罪組織頭子的真面目嗎?
  • Sadly, the title is the best thing about C.H.O.M.P.S., as the film is strictly for kids (who will undoubtedly get a kick out of the broad humor and rampant silliness on display). The storyline revolves around an inventor (played by Wesley Eure) whose latest creation is a robotic dog that can do just about anything, par…
  • A teen movie star attempts to overcome her addition to alcohol and salvage what's left of her career after passing out on the red carpet at her big Hollywood premiere and being sent to recover with her upbeat aunt in Indiana. Morgan Carter (Jo Jo) is only seventeen years old, but she's already on top of the world. But …