搜索 Beutler

  • 正如其极具煽动性的电影名称所示,《中国佬》描绘了一个令人毛骨悚然的人物形象,艾迪·蔡。他是一个崇拜泰德‧邦迪的连环杀手,对华裔人士包括自己都抱有极大的憎恨情绪。这部电影会让你感到不安,甚至分裂,但同时又能紧紧抓住你的情绪。对艾迪来说,一位闯入他办公室乃至其生活的陌生女子是否来得太迟了呢?作为第一部讲述华裔美国连环杀手的…
  • Turning the zombie film on its head, "Wasting Away" is an oddball comedy from the perspective of the brain munching monsters themselves
  • 唐纳利兄弟
    The Black Donnellys是讲述四位年轻的爱尔兰裔兄弟,在美国纽约一个爱尔兰和意大利裔混居街区一步步走上出来混道路的最新美剧只看到了第一集,最感动的是他们的兄弟情谊,以及片中运用得宜的音乐和镜头所带来的的沉重的宿命感,让人不得不佩服编剧和导演可以将它视为黑帮片,不过和《教父》完全不同,似乎没有那么黑暗,起因和最打动人的重点都…
  • At the Mosaik art studio in Berlin, artists with disabilities are absorbed in their work. Sabine Herpich observes the artists in the course of creation and directs her gaze at the institution itself: its processes, staff and spaces. The film succeeds in maintaining its focus on the art itself rather than the handicaps …
  • Plot:Cameron是一个有通灵的警察,他被叫去给一个年轻人做笔录,希望找到年轻人失踪的同志伴侣。他发现这件事和一个住在荒弃山脚的神秘英俊男子有关。Cameron发现自己卷入性、酒精与毒品的森林,他的感觉不再准确。在神秘人的蛊惑下,他一步步陷入迷离的夜色里...Cameron, a Police Officer with psychic abilities, i…
  • 剧情片
    His theme is the criminal potential of our society, his heroes oscillate between business class and hopelessness. The film accompanies the Swiss bestselling author Martin Suter through his literary and private cosmos. Blurring the boundaries between fiction and documentary, the film allows Martin Suter to immerse himse…