- 哆啦A梦(大山信代 配音)拿出了一个可以进入连环画的鞋子,大家跳进连环画玩,可是静香(野村道子 配音)丢了一只鞋子,没有回来。而连环画被大雄的妈妈烧毁了。于是,大家必须去古代的阿拉伯,寻找童话与现实有衔接的地方,找寻静香的下落。静香是被奴隶贩子拐走了,而大家先是遭遇四十大盗,哆啦A梦的口袋也被偷了,然后大家在海上遭遇暴风雨…
- The cast reunite to look back over a decade of such fun, friendship, romance and everything that made millions of fans connect with this unique and very special sitcom.
- Jess who goes to her best friend's wedding in the middle of nowhere, where she will be confronted by her ex, her happily coupled friends from college, and the insecure monster she becomes when she is off the grid.
- Lebanon, 1949. The country faces an imminent war. Two Catholic siblings, Emilie and Emir, embark on a trip to Brazil. During the journey, Emilie falls in love with a Muslim merchant, Omar. Emir suffers an uncontrollable jealousy and will use their religious differences to set them apart. During a physical fight with Om…