- Set in Miami, Florida, veteran Detective Matthews (Hans Hernke) gained his reputation by solving cases from his office, but when an aggressive sadistic serial killer threatens his city, he is forced to leave the confines of his precinct to hunt for him and a helpless kidnapped victim. As time is running out, his person…
- Bernard T. Ward's Popcorn Bag of Terror is a horror anthology that features 3 films Slice, I Heart Zombie and The Hat Man presented by your host of the evening Bernard T. Ward. Slice is about serial killer named Otto Ramirez who just escaped prison looking to kill again. Otto manages to find his way to the house of a g…
- The fourth annual 3-Ring Battle Royal, featuring: Chris Adams, Chris Benoit, Bobby Blaze, Ciclope, Damian, El Dandy, Barry Darsow, Disciple, Disco Inferno, Bobby Eaton, Mike Enos, Scott Hall, Hector Garza, The Giant, Glacier, Juventud Guerrera, Chavo Guerrero Jr., Eddie Guerrero, Van Hammer, Kenny Kaos, Kaz Hayashi, Ho…
- 原本打算脱离男妓行业潜心研究鱼类米特·德斯·比格劳(罗伯·施奈德 Rob Schneider 饰),生活并非一帆风顺。这六年来,他的妻子凯特遭到鲨鱼袭击身亡,而他正在研究的机器也在海边引起一场混乱,最终成为通缉犯。万般无奈之下,米特应皮条客T·J·希克斯(Eddie Griffin 饰)之邀来到性都阿姆斯特丹。希克斯在这里将男妓事业越做越大,拥有自…