搜索 Björk

  • <p>  1986年,瑞典国家健康与福利部委托导演罗伊·安德森就艾滋病题材拍摄一部教育影片,以便在学校和军队向学生和新兵传播艾滋病源头和防御的信息。但在电影拍摄期间,健康与福利部要求安德森终止该项目。原因是他们观看了已拍摄部分的素材,并对影片里信息的可靠性和拍摄风格提出了质疑。安德森并未遵循,而是凭几之力完成了该部电影…
  • 以真实事件为基础,讲述一个人为生存而奋斗的史诗故事。居希·凯特拉,在美国大萧条期间回到芬兰,美国方面政治动荡日益严重。1930年的一个夏天晚上,民族主义暴徒绑架了他,他被迫走上永恒之路,去了苏联,在那里残酷似乎永无终结,他唯一的梦想是回到他芬兰的家中,但是苏联也并非工人阶级的乐园……
  • 恐怖片惊悚
  •   爱德华•刘易斯(李察•基尔 饰)是一个拥有百万身家的企业家。他潇洒迷人,但总是无法处理好与女人之间关系,他跟女友分手了。他到洛杉矶出差,晚上开着一辆借来的高级轿车进入了红灯区。由于迷失了方向,他向一名年轻漂亮的妓女薇薇安(茱丽娅•罗伯茨 饰)问路,薇薇安的活泼美丽吸引了他,他把薇薇安带到了酒店。爱德华爱上了薇薇安并极…
  • In the six-part action thriller, the main protagonist Jana is asked to partner prosecutor Peer Bruckner (played by August Wittgenstein from The Crown, Ku’damm 56, Hidden) who is investigating the murder of a high-ranking head of the Migrat…
  • A young woman, who has a chance to save the love of her life when she discovers that the mixtape they made together can transport her back in time.
  • Fråga Olle var ett TV-program i Kanal 5 där Martin Björk tog emot både kända och okända gäster tillsammans med sex- och samlevnadsexperten Olle Waller. Genom programmet fick både gäster och publik svar på frågor om sex och samlevnad. Pr…
  • Lost is a virtual reality short movie in which the viewer is transported to a mysterious, moonlit forest where they meet a mysterious robotic creature that turns into an awe-inspiring encounter.
  • PALE STAR is about the possessiveness of love. About how that possession peels back to expose power and control until we can see, in its dark heart, not love but murder. The tragedies of two couples' lives collide against the dramatic black landscapes of southern Iceland. Solveig kills her husband in a fight about his …