搜索 Borzunov

  • Animation after third and final book in Nosov's series.This time Dunno (subtitle maker has translated his name as Know-Nothing here) flies to the Moon and discovers a capitalistic society (as opposed to shorties on Earth who doesn't even know the concept of money). As usual, he finds himself in various adventures and e…
  • Amusing stories of friends - the gopher and the hamster. Hamster forces Gother to do gymnastics instead of him, but he goes for peas alone. The hamster hardly extracts peas, but Gopher ate them all.http://www.kinoglaz.fr/u_fiche_film.php?num=2330
  • 鹿(CCCP,前苏联)在森林里奔走,蜘蛛、啄木鸟等动物(联盟里东欧的诸多小国)一个接一个纷纷要求借助它的鹿角前行,鹿欢喜地答应,带上它们继续朝前走,这些动物将它的鹿角当作了安乐窝。可是欢宴有时,在前行方向问题上,诸多动物与鹿慢慢有了矛盾,但并没闹到不可开交的地步,这时,森林外传来猎人的枪声(盟国的敌对势力),内忧外患之下,…