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  • It is a known fact that antiquarian bookseller and carefree, innovative personality, Frede Smith, was so attached to Asta Nielsen that he was the shoulder she cried on during the period of grief after her daughter, Jesta's suiside in 1964.Not many people have any idea of how deep their friendship was or how long they h…
  • 本片是一部关于“说客”杰克·阿布莫拉夫的纪录片。杰克·阿布莫拉夫是共和党的“政治机器”,当年,还在念大学的他野心勃勃且雄心壮志地支持里根竞选总统。里根当选之后,他又跑去了好莱坞混了十年。十年之后,政治局势错综复杂,他又开始了投机的“说客”生涯。后来,杰克·阿布莫拉夫受贿丑闻败露,他和数名白宫高官一同落马。围绕着杰克·阿…