- 根据真实故事改编的‘布里斯托尔的男孩们’,是一部大胆的动作电影,它讲述康涅狄格州布里斯托尔工业荒地上的一个毒品团伙的故事。它是美国毒品管制所近年来破获的最大毒品集团。为了让自己和吸毒的妈妈生活过得好,外号‘小人’的孩子麦卡锡(Thomas Guiry) 坚决要加入贩卖大麻的行列,他生意乾得挺成功,而警察也对他家进行搜查,当麦卡锡发现…
- Little Nicky, the son of the Tanner, a famous strongman, has made up his mind, that he can conquer the dragon as his father did long ago. Against prohibition of his father, Nicky has managed to get into trouble and now it depends only on his courage, whether he defeats the resurgent dragon and returns home from the mag…