搜索 Bucher

  • Lynda.com 出品的时长38分钟的 商标设计创意灵感 视频教程。由有八十年高龄的印刷专家,标识设计师,作家和教师 Doyald Young 讲述了选择牛津英语词典里优雅的文字字体工艺标准,跟随他到帕萨迪纳艺术中心学院共享他的未来设计才华,还必须谨慎的重复多次审查所制作的图形,学习用铅笔在薄纸上一页页的手工描绘美工曲线字体。   From h…
  • The Corta project arises from my interest in the cane cutters who work in the southwestern region of Colombia. I knew about the precarious conditions for those whose lives depend on the manual cutting of sugar cane, but what I wanted to film from this world was the sense of frenzy that imbues these men's survival. I me…
  • 一档午夜色情节目,性感美丽大方的主持人带你领略世界各地的关于性的知识,随着人们对于性和性爱深入硏究和要求的提升,主持人亲历各地,以身示范,展示各地奇葩和独特的习俗和性爱过程,或许你会惊讶和不解,或许你会身陷其中体验到性的无穷乐趣。
  • 八小时不是一日
    德国新电影的心脏、备受争议电影大师法斯宾达(Rainer Werner Fassbinder),时隔46年终返大银幕的《八小时不是一日》(数位修复版)(Eight Hours Don't Make a Day),这部长达八小时的家庭伦理史诗巨制,透过西德工人阶级的大家庭族谱,一家三代在时代氛围下价值观冲突与融合,幽默却暗讽地将工会罢工、劳资谈判等国家经济问题,轻松寓意于下班后的…
  • Elizabeth and her daughter Cecile spend their holidays at a lakeside resort in the French mountains. Elizabeth falls in love with a strange Italian, Giovanni, while young Cecile is courted by an apprentice cook. It seems that mother and daughter are drifting apart from each other, but then their holidays are over.
  • NEUROO-X, a German-Swiss-Chinese entertainment company group, stands for games that dissolve the boundary between reality and gaming). A new gadget, the myth-enshrouded RED BOOK, offers the ultimate gaming experience. The most secret longings of gamers are scanned by the engine and transformed into fantastic adventures…
  • Full Tank
    Esteban, a wealthy entrepreneur, dreams of taking part in the 24 Hours of Le Mans. A dream he turns into reality, and which results in him competing alongside professional drivers. Laps follow each other endlessly among the exhilaration of these exceptional vehicles. Full Tank humorously immerses itself in this testost…