搜索 Bystritskiy

  • Scene of film action takes place in Baltic Sea during WWII in 1944-45.
  • XIII century. Prince Daniel of Galicia returned from the Horde, where he graciously have allowed to rule in Galicia in exchange for recognition his submission to Khan. But he can not accept the humiliation. He begins to prepare for war with the hordes of Batu, who conquered many Russian principalities. The Hungarian ki…
  • 二战期间,一位刚从飞行学校毕业的年轻飞行员捷斯连科,刚来到前线就立即赋予了作战任务,他与飞行中队长格拉巴里在执行任务中被击落。他们被关押在驻苏联的德国空军基地里,作为德国空军新学员的陪练---活靶子。最终,捷斯连科乘积逃脱回到了苏军的防线。但他被拘捕定罪..