搜索 Cardina

  • Leo (Rod Steiger) is an aristocrat whose family fortunes have plummeted in this downbeat melodrama. He seeks to reverse his money problems by courting the wealthy Mariagrazia (Paulette Goddard), throwing over his former lover Lisa (Shelley Winters) in his quest to continue his posh lifestyle. Mariagrazia is too caught …
  • When Áila encounters a young Indigenous woman, barefoot and crying in the rain on the side of a busy street, she soon discovers that this young woman, Rosie, has just escaped a violent assault at the hands of her boyfriend. Áila decides to…
  • 恐怖片恐怖
    Five disparate youths, lost on a road trip to the location of the infamous 'mangrove slasher,' end up being pursued by a cadre of cannibal clowns.
  • Tantoo Cardinal shines as a world-famous Anishinaabe musician who returns to the reserve to rest and recharge -- only to discover that fame (and the outside world) are not easily left behind, in writer-director Darlene Naponse's riveting portrait of resilience set among a northern First Nation.
  • 有着幸福婚姻与孩子的皮肤科女教授,私底下过著不为人知的放荡生活;与此同时,她正着手一项关于皮肤细胞的新科学研究:皮肤是人体的最大器官,是否会受到性慾的影响而发生变化?于是,她开始在丈夫以外的男人身上取样「皮肤细胞」做纪录;然而一连串的意外事件即将引爆她在外偷情的事实时,她要如何面对摧毁在即的事业、家庭和最重要的亲密生活…
  • 西德(Debargo Sanyal 饰)发现自己是一名跨性别者,在压抑了很多年后,他终于决定释放自己的本性,和父母摊了牌。虽然一直渴望能够享受天伦之乐的母亲难免感到非常失望,但是这对老夫妻还是开明的表示支持儿子所做出的的选择。拉斐尔(Jamie Mayers 饰)是一名十四岁的少年,他从出生起就没有见过自己的父亲,母亲也对这个男人的存在闭口不提。…
  • 吃喝玩乐走世界
  • 漂亮朋友
    乔治(雅各布·韦伯 Jacques Weber 说)本是一个郁郁不得志的退伍大兵,在昔日战友的帮助之下,他得到了进入《法兰西生活报》工作的机会,就这样,乔治成为了报社的一名编辑。乔治其他方面都很平庸,唯独拥有一张漂亮的脸蛋,利用自己的这一长处,乔治开始游走于达官贵妇之间,巧舌如簧左右逢源,踩在这些女人的肩膀上,乔治步步高升,而当他不…
  • 加油站趣事
    加拿大CTV台爆笑喜剧《Corner Gas》讲述了一家开在偏远小镇Dog River的唯一一家加油站和它隔壁的咖啡店里发生的搞笑故事。小镇位于加拿大中部地广人稀的农业大省萨斯喀彻温(Saskatchewan),主要人物有这家加油站的老板Brent LeRoy,咖啡店的老板Lacey Burrows,还有他最好的朋友Hank Yarbo,警官Davis Quinton和Kar…