搜索 Chernova

  • This is a very powerful film. Admittedly parts of it are hard to watch, but it is an outstanding piece. In a nutshell, it is about a hippie commune that has been set up by someone who believes that the best way to help the homeless and often deranged cripples in Moscow is by offering them sexual love. I did not realise…
  • 贵族青年拉夫列茨基(列昂尼德·库拉金 Leonid Kulagin 饰)对少将之女瓦尔瓦拉(贝娅塔·蒂希基维茨 Beata Tyszkiewicz 饰)一见钟情,两人认识没多久就携手步入了婚姻的殿堂。哪知道瓦尔瓦拉生性风流,婚后迅速打入了巴黎的社交场中,成为了交际花,她的沾花惹草让拉夫列茨基感到非常的痛苦。拉夫列茨基离开了家,回到了自己的祖国,在那里,…
  • 喜剧片喜剧
  • Молодая графиня Вера Дубровская мечтает принести пользу человечеству. Она посещает бедных, «бывших людей» и помогает им в меру сил. Однажды Вера оказывается в каморке пьяниц…
  • 这部电影有关的的奇怪的命运告诉以色列犹太人天才外科医生亚利耶,谁可以占据一个孩子,尽管战争经历的恐怖,他遇到了初恋和第一次爱情,背叛。整整60年后的著名外科医生时,他再次会见他的初恋,所以不久之前他的死亡时间来理解生活的真谛,并通过这种密切的人
  • On the stage, where the premiere of the musical was supposed to take place, the drama broke out ... People went to the feast - cheerful, bright, but turned out to be face to face with death. They, who became hostages, who managed to pass a terrible ordeal, while preserving human dignity and courage - are ordinary peopl…
  • Lovely Glasnot era piece, broadcast in the UK in the Soviet Spring Season from way back. There may be a better rip out there, perhaps the presence of this one will wake people up to what a good film it is and we’ll see the better version.Just when you thought glasnost had allowed Soviet film-makers to say all there was…
  • A rare, hysterical gem from early Soviet cinema. CHEMI BEBIA (MY GRANDMOTHER) is a Georgian avant-garde slapstick silent comedy that was banned in the Soviet Union for almost 50 years. And it's pretty easy to see why. Whereas later Georgian filmmakers became rather adept at slipping political criticism under the noses …