搜索 Chips

  • 剧情片剧情
  • 剧情片
    罗罗嗦嗦的小男生今村忠司(滨田岳 饰)是一名极具专业精神的入室行窃小偷,在一次和老大的闯空门行动中,突然打入的电话改变了他的人生。录音电话另一头,被男主人欺骗的女孩痛陈负心汉,并扬言跳楼自杀。善良的今村无法放任不管,他找到女孩大西若叶(木村文乃 饰)所在的地点,经过苦口婆心的劝说终于令若叶打消自杀的念头。在此之后,他们不…
  • 喜剧片喜剧
    几位已婚男性好友,决心杀掉其中一位的“恶魔”妻子。\r\n  沃德的太太,大家——包括沃德本人在内——一致公认,是个可恶的暴君,恶魔的化身。沃德的几位好友,在多次半开玩笑地谈话之后,制定了一个计划,打算要她的命——虽然实施过程有些意外,但磕磕绊绊终于成功了。下一步便是如何不留痕迹地处理掉尸体。虽然其中涉及谋杀、肢解等血淋淋…
  • As Seolgi is lying on a grass field with friends, a shooting star falls, and dark, intrusive thoughts hit her. Her melancholy blooms into bright and colorful “flower people,” dancing and wishing for a meteorite to end the world.
  • 影片讲述了在澳大利亚的一个小镇上,一个普通的家庭在圣诞前夕发生的一些啼笑皆非的故事。温馨的故事,感人的家人欢聚的场面为为电影带来了不一样的感觉。
  • Nino Culotta is an Italian immigrant who arrived in Australia with the promise of a job as a journalist on his cousins magazine, only to find that when he gets there the magazine's folded, the cousins done a runner & the money his cousin sent for the fare was borrowed from the daughter of the boss of a local constructi…
  • The film is based on the novel Smile by Moore Raymond, who also wrote the source novel for the sequel film.In this Australian children's movie, a sequel to Smiley, set in the outback, a local policeman tries to help a rambunctious scamp settle down by promising the lad a new gun if he can stay out of mischief and treat…