搜索 Coles

  • Jeff is bullied at school and online. It all becomes too much, and then the tables are turned on the bullies.
  • Andre Essen (Elya Baskin) says goodbye to his daughter, Natalia (Sasha Kolos), as she heads to America as a foreign exchange student. Natalia bonds with her surrogate family, Amanda (Callan Coles) and her father, Marcus Garrett, before strange supernatural occurrences begin to happen.The frightening events continue to …
  • 《神经网络》讲述的是一位卧底潜入毒品犯罪集团的惊险故事。警察局在获得情报后追踪一个大犯罪集团,毒贩中的卧底冒着生命危险配合行动,最后却被陷害牺牲。
  • 动作片
    独闯龙潭案中案 火爆血腥天地裂   年度十足猛片 火力超强震撼   痛失爱妻的阿航,为了年幼的儿子,将儿子托付给她深爱的阿萍,只身来到香港。一心想发财的他却不料误入黑社会,当他在圈内出生入死、拼得一席之地时,却意外发现自己即将失去所得的一切。阿航欲洗手不干,离开这是非之地,然而人在江湖身不由己,眼见身边的亲人一个个被残杀,…
  • Two strongmen set out to hunt down a murderous sea monster. Their ship is wrecked and they end up in the Holy Land where Hercules is assumed to be Samson who is a wanted man. The two team up to survive.
  • 赌马,是布鲁诺的唯一人生目标,也是布鲁诺所称的“工作”。为了几十欧元的赌注,已经破产的布鲁诺不得不使出各种各样的骗法,好在布鲁诺以前曾做过演员,行骗的时候还有同样热衷于赌马的卡拉尔的帮助,所以布鲁诺几乎没有失手的时候,只不过布鲁诺的运气远没有他的演技好,可以这么说,布鲁诺是十赌九输。布鲁诺的团队不断有新人加入,通过计算…
  • The Italian is the story of two sisters in a village in Oltenia go illegally to pick strawberries in Spain. After a year, when they return home victorious with Western air, the girls say that they have been in Spain, the strawberries, but in Italy, the grape. The truth is, however, another, more sunbru. Women in the vi…
  • 虔诚的基督徒Brady和母亲搬到了一个叫Rock Haven的海边小镇,母亲在这里办起了基督教学校。Brady遇到了性感老练的同志Clifford,两人相互吸引,但这段感情又是和信仰冲突的……
  • Brian Dennehy饰演一个有着三十六年经验的工头,在他的工厂被一个日本财团收购后下岗了,此后他再也没找到工作,在他愈来愈沮丧的同时,他的儿子(Matt Damon饰演)利用他的失业问题作为借口,准备从他对儿子所期望的医学预科中退学。