搜索 Nicolescu

  • 美國菸酒槍炮及爆裂物管理局(ATF)的前探員路見不平,從毒販手上解救了一名女子,想不到人生卻從此大轉彎。女子說服他偷走毒販的錢,兩人一起遠走高飛,卻因此被無法無天的毒販頭子盯上,展開一場貓捉老鼠的血腥遊戲。他很快發現,這攤渾水,他不蹚也不行!
  • The Italian is the story of two sisters in a village in Oltenia go illegally to pick strawberries in Spain. After a year, when they return home victorious with Western air, the girls say that they have been in Spain, the strawberries, but in Italy, the grape. The truth is, however, another, more sunbru. Women in the vi…
  • 剧情片剧情
  • SHE…WHO WOULD BE POPEI really enjoyed this film as a real aficionado of historical faction and legends. Movie buffs who yearn for renowned actors whose sex appeal and charisma fill up the screen, as soon as they appear without uttering a w…