- 取材于五味川纯平的原著《人间的条件》。是反映日本在中国东北(满洲)日本殖民者的电影,导演站在人道主义的立场上对战争给双方的影响做了反思,本片的故事背景是一九四三年的满洲,在太平洋战争后期反对日本军国主义的 男主角尾,在满洲为其人道主义立场努力终生的故事。第一部:纯爱编 <纯爱篇>第二部:激怒编<激怒篇>第三部…
- 北满洲,梶等残败兵一个劲儿地向南逃。途中遇到逃难的男女老少,虽然帮助他们,但因饥饿疲劳一个个相继死去。梶历尽艰辛来到还残留着日本老人和女人的开拓村,他准备在这里和苏军作战,但是日本女人高喊“别在这里打仗了!”之后,他们开始了俘虏收容所的生活。梶对收容所里桐原这 个卑劣小人,恨之入骨。之后,他又被诬告,被罚作苦役。在森林…
- Jacob, a hotheaded, socially isolated construction worker on parole, contends with the daily humiliations of his criminal sentence. He dreams of moving far away, and starting his life anew. When he fails to convince his paternalistic parole officer to help him end his sentence early, Jacob must decide to take freedom i…
- A small town video game store clerk must go from zero to hero after accidentally unleashing the forces of evil from a cursed Colecovision game... Max Jenkins' gaming fantasies collides with reality when a legendary "lost" installment of the Nether Game series appears on the store counter of his workplace, Fal…
- A SciFi /Thriller Aghora is a chilling portrait of a young girl unraveling within the fears and anxieties, leaving them prey for an inescapable evil story about an obsessed stalker and co-workers who have got caught, embezzling money, utilizing blackmagic and high-tech sciences to destroy by a kill in family. Plot:A st…