搜索 Darabi

  •   卡齐姆喜欢在放学后跟小伙伴们一起踢足球,而不是待在家里做作业。得知国家足球队将在德黑兰举行比赛,他就想方设法前去观战,甚至不惜偷窃父母的钱财。当他乘坐公共汽车日夜兼程赶到德黑兰时已是筋疲力尽,就在比赛开始前躺在球场附近睡着了。
  • Daad
    In a Tehran youth detention centre, detainees have the right to short furloughs, as long as their family provides sufficient bail to guarantee their return. The detention centre’s governor decides to help those without family to take advantage of this right. He asks them to swear on the Quran that they will return to t…
  • 剧情片剧情
    地震过后,一支摄制组来到某个山村准备拍摄影片,导演(默罕默德·阿里·科沙瓦兹 Mohamad Ali Keshavarz 饰)决定一如既往启用非职业演员。巧合的是,饰演男主角的侯赛因(Hossein Rezai 饰)暗恋女主角塔赫莉(Tahereh Ladanian 饰 )良久。侯赛因出身贫寒,孑然一身;塔赫莉则家境优渥,受过良好的教育。由于彼此间的巨大差别,侯赛因的爱情…