搜索 Daya

  • 这部有趣电影包含贪婪,背叛,腐败,爱情,绝望和谋杀等元素。故事以一个5人匪帮为中心,最年长的超过60岁,最年轻的就20来岁,他们的发财计划就是在火车上以现金买违禁品,可在交易前,一个成员被杀死,而他的现金也不翼而飞。接着他们展开残酷的搜寻,来找出杀人的贼--他一定是他们当中的一个,除了叛徒,谁可能知道内情呢?
  • The police investigate the murder of a 13-year old boy who is found hanging in a tree in a nearby wood. The pathologist quickly determines that the boy was actually strangled and the hanging then staged. The boy was gay and was the subject of much teasing and bullying at school. based on Fitz's advice, the police focus…
  • 公路上发生了杀人案,货车司机离奇死在了自己的车上。茱丽.莱斯科警长带着其他警员在调查的过程中发现了一个专门从事与众多货车司机进行性交易的团体。就在他们准备下手抓捕该团体的成员时,一个海关的卧底出现了,原来,这个团体在利用货车和货车司机从事黄金走私活动。女警察局长莱斯科便协助海关一举擒获了该团体全体成员,并掌握了他们走私…
  • 英国小盆U Jimmy去找大天使加百利(Gabriel)要求加入天使团救护要死的父亲。sonychen 注
  • La femme rompue(Gallimard/Folio, 2000, 252 pages)Ce sont trois nouvelles."L'âge de discrétion" (4/5): Une Parisienne, professeur de littérature et combattante gauchiste décrit ses déceptions de vieille femme de 60 ans au début d…
  • Now that Itzhak's father is in a coma, and dying, Itzhak is finally willing to visit him, thus breaking a ten-year silence. During his visits to the hospital, Itzhak, a beaten and reserved man, is frustrated to find himself neglected by his own family: his wife, a long suppressed artist whose life's dream is fulfilled …
  • 2003. Sima is an older women who discovers she has supernatural powers after a curse that she puts on her neighbor comes true. She becomes famous overnight as a psychic and is driven by her greedy and in debt son in law to make as much money as she can with her new powers. Her psychic popularity grows and she is talked…
  • It is the Summer 1982. With the war raging in Lebanon, 13-year-old Gal works as a postman in a moshav nearly emptied of men. On his daily rounds he meets Haya, a 19-year-old girl suffering from heart disease, who corresponds obsessively with several soldiers in Lebanon. Only one soldier, the one who happens to write th…
  • 在两伊战争中,少年哈米特的家所在的坡斯坦市被伊拉克军队攻占。他只能逃往森林里。护林老人照看着他,他还在想着家乡的父母。但同时也和护林老人建立了浓厚的友谊,他是回家,还是继续留在森林里?为了取得身份证他一人来到政府部门。他还在梦想着能够去工作。能够上学.......
  • Ilan, an adolescent boy who lives in a farming community, is in constant clash with his father. He accidentally finds a stack of letters in the house attic, letters from his sister Dalya, that never reached him. Through these letters he learns the story of his sister's disappearance, and some facts about his life and h…