- 《极速前进菲律宾版》(英语:The Amazing Race Philippines)是一个以美国真人秀节目《极速前进》为蓝本的菲律宾版本。已有2季 ,本节目由澳洲制作公司ActiveTV制作,在菲律宾TV5频道播出。节目内容11队由两位本身有关系的菲律宾人所组成的 参赛队伍,游 历菲律宾境内,并完成不同任务之淘汰赛,以争夺最终冠军之奖金200万菲律宾比索。(第…
- A story about the clash between urban entrepreneurs and local fishermen in Kalpitiya, a fishing village in Sri Lanka. The urbanites bring a business ethic of their own, with capitalistic tendencies; the local patriarch, Anton (Joe Abeywickrama) clashes with the urbanites, headed by Victor (Vijay Kumaratunge). When Vict…
- How come people who go there are never seen again? Does the villa "eat" people alive? The movie tells the story of Ana who has always been having nightmares about certain people getting killed3e of Madre Na Aswang. Things become scarier when her ex-boyfriend brings her to Villa Estrella where she meets a girl…