搜索 Deryagin

  • One of the film in Yevgeny Yufit Necrorealism Vol.1
  • Necrorealism是产生于80年代处苏联艺术名城圣彼德堡的一种新电影创作风格,此类电影擅长在片中以塔可夫斯基的诗电影方式描写死亡,疾病等黑暗主题,Yevgeny Yufit是其中的领军人物,它属于超现实主义电影的一个特殊分支吧.
  • Wooow man this movie had some awesome death scenes in it. They were by far the best I've ever seen, even better than anything like when Jason chops the boy and girl in half through the tent (while they are having sex) with a spear. Even cooler cuz they are suicides! So inspiring I kind of want to do mine that way, yeah…