搜索 Dillahunt

  • Plot Outline:In the woods of North Carolina c. 1920 a mysterious traveler rides into a small town advertising his services as a photographer of the dead. He immortalizes the recently deceased wife of a local bootlegger named Miller, but the locals grow suspicious of the photographer's macabre demeanor and other-worldly…
  • 1888年美國西部懷俄明州的土地上住著兩戶畜牧人家,富蘭克林與約翰紅鷹,他們在聖誕節前夕遭遇了一連串的困境。約翰在離家路上遇到劫難,大人們馬上出發尋找約翰,兩家的孩子也悄悄的結伴出門找爸爸。在約翰消失的期間,警察帶著驅逐令要求約翰一家搬離,與此同時富蘭克林的孫子高燒不退,孩子們也失蹤了…
  • The story is about Oliver Sherman (Garret Dillahunt), a war veteran. Because he's alone, Oliver sets out to find the man who saved him during the war. That former fellow soldier, Franklin Page (Donal Logue), lives in a small town, has a reliable job and a wife (Molly Parker). As Oliver becomes more and more part of Fra…