- This new documentary special is about the most intact slave shipwreck found to date and the only one for which we know the full story of the voyage, the passengers and their descendants.
- 公路上发生了杀人案,货车司机离奇死在了自己的车上。茱丽.莱斯科警长带着其他警员在调查的过程中发现了一个专门从事与众多货车司机进行性交易的团体。就在他们准备下手抓捕该团体的成员时,一个海关的卧底出现了,原来,这个团体在利用货车和货车司机从事黄金走私活动。女警察局长莱斯科便协助海关一举擒获了该团体全体成员,并掌握了他们走私…
- This new documentary special is about the most intact slave shipwreck found to date and the only one for which we know the full story of the voyage, the passengers and their descendants.