- Visions of Ecstasy, an experimental art film made in 1989, is the only film ever to have been banned outright in the UK solely on the grounds of blasphemy. Further, its depiction and interpretation of the erotic imaginings of the 16th Century Carmelite nun, St. Teresa, were such that the film's banning was upheld in an…
- 威克里夫是约翰胡司与路德的思想前驱,早在马丁路德发动改教之前的14世纪,威克里夫就在牛津大学发起了针对天主教会腐败的改革呼声。他是当时整个英国最博学的人,也是《圣经》研究的权威,他首先发起将《圣经》译成英文,以使平民百姓都可以阅读。他抨击天主教的奢华腐败以及对人民的愚弄盘剥。威克里夫主张圣经的权威高于教会,信徒应服从基督…