搜索 Dumerchez

  • 西非尚处于后殖民时代,法国政府急于想从非洲大陆抽身。虽然士兵仓皇撤退,但是他们并没有放过玛利亚(伊莎贝尔•于佩尔 Isabelle Huppert 饰)的种植园,因为传闻叛军头目——拳击手(伊萨赫•德•班克尔 Issach De Bankole 饰)就藏身于此。战火被引到了这里,但却赶上咖啡丰收的时刻。玛利亚手下的黑人雇工为了躲避战乱,逃匿得无影无踪。而…
  • 书商凯米儿(Catherine Deneuve 凯瑟琳•德纳芙 饰)和丈夫弗朗西斯(Guy Marchand 饰)离异,两人分别抚养着一双儿女。某夜儿子马卓尔(Adrien Jolivet 饰)与好友弗兰克(Thomas Dumerchez 饰)外出游玩,弗兰克驾驶的汽车撞倒树上,导致马卓尔重伤身亡。痛失爱子的凯米儿生活失去重心,她将舐犊之情慢慢移到弗兰克的身上,帮助他准备考试、提…
  • For the originality of its content and manner of telling, Gael Morel's "Le Clan" deserves wide art-house distribution. It does, however, need a better English title. Life may be difficult for people in the film, but they are not slaves and make choices that attempt to better their situations, if not always ha…