- 安德烈·伊克萨诺夫的恐怖梦魇(最终导演剪辑版)(2016):由于萨沙对恋尸癖,死亡以及对解剖人体的病态迷恋,使他失去了女友,陷入了绝望之中。他遭遇了可怕的噩梦,他游荡在一个死寂而又超凡脱俗的森林里,那里充满迷雾和奇怪生物。他碰巧打扰了一个恶魔萨满,导致古怪的生物开始进入我们的世界....
- Marina, a reporter for a sensational newspaper wants to quit, but she agrees to do one last story about a serial killer. However, the killer escapes from the mental institution. Marina and the investigator Pavel follow him to an area where some very unpleasant people live. The serial killer may be the least of their wo…